Where can I learn more about the proposed Service-Learning Fund?
Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act (see page 26)
The National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service suggests a $250 million fund. In addition to the fact sheet and video clip shared above, additional information million recommendation for youth service and service-learning.
What does it mean to be a Coalition member?
Your participation can include any or all of the following:
Endorse the Service-Learning Fund proposal and sign on to statements or letters of support from this Coalition
Participate in monthly Coalition strategy calls
Reach out to Congressional representatives and/or congressional campaigns and their staff about the legislation
Commit staff time of your government relations team
Conduct targeted outreach to members/chapters/affiliates located in select congressional districts
Share opportunities for grassroots advocacy through your website, e-mails, social media, etc.
I am already in a coalition that supports civic education, AmeriCorps, and/or public service? Why join this one?
While this coalition whole-heartedly supports the work of Voices for National Service, ASC’s States for Service, CivXNow, and others to expand national service (AmeriCorps), increase support for the state service commissions and the Volunteer Generation Fund, and authorize the proposed Civic Education Fund, we are specifically focused on the authorization and appropriations for the proposed Service-Learning Fund as a replacement for and expansion of Learn and Serve America (eliminated in 2011).
What is Service-Learning?
Service-learning is an approach to teaching and learning in which students use academic and civic knowledge and skills to address genuine community needs. Learn more here.