Coalition Organizers
National Organization Members
State & Local Organization Members
1 Sacred Place - Colorado (CO)
AFRD Georgia - Georgia (GA)
American University - District of Columbia (DC)
Bates College - Maine (ME)
Beyond Before Community Development Corporation - Florida (FL)
BGM School - Iowa (IA)
Billig Consulting - Colorado (CO)
Black Girls Rock of MS, Inc. - Mississippi (MS)
Blackstone Academy - Rhode Island (RI)
Bluebird Experience - Kentucky (KY)
Blue Crew - California (CA)
Boulder Elementary School - Montana (MT)
Brandeis University, Center for Youth and Communities - Massachusetts (MA)
Bright Light Volunteers - Texas (TX)
Buckingham Browne & Nichols School - Massachusetts (MA)
Camp Fire Central Oregon - Oregon (OR)
Campus Compact of Oregon - Oregon (OR)
Carter County Drug Prevention/Keep Carter County Beautiful - Tennessee (TN)
CAVALRY - Texas (TX)
CBK Associates - California (CA)
Center for Community Engagement & Service, American University - District of Columbia (DC)
Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching & Service - District of Columbia (DC)
Center of Effort LLC - Missouri (MO)
Chautauqua Learn and Serve Charter School - Florida (FL)
City of Houston Volunteer Initiative Programs Office - Texas (TX)
Cooline Team of East Palo Alto - California (CA)
CryOut Teen Organization - Mississippi (MS)
EAGLE 7 Consulting - Georgia (GA)
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon: Northeast Emergency Food Program - Oregon (OR)
EDGE Consulting Partners - Virginia (VA)
Empowered Flower Girl - Michigan (MI)
EngageAR - Arkansas Service Commission - Arkansas (AR)
Engage NJ - New Jersey (NJ)
Every Good Work of North Texas - Texas (TX)
Favor House - Georgia (GA)
Florida Atlantic University - Florida (FL)
FSU Center for Leadership and Social Change - Florida (FL)
FYR is LIT - U.S. Virgin Islands (VI)
GenerationNation - North Carolina (NC)
Grandma's Love Inc. - New York (NY)
Griffin Legacy & Associates, LLC - District of Columbia (DC)
Goldey-Beacom College - Delaware (DE)
Harkins Consulting - Maine (ME)
Hawaii Pacific Islands Campus Compact - Hawaii (HI)
Hobart and William Smith Colleges / Geneva 2030 - New York (NY)
I Have A Dream Foundation - New York (NY)
Jacksonville University - Florida (FL)
John Carroll University - Ohio (OH)
Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life at Tufts University - Massachusetts (MA)
John & JeJuan Stewart Jr. Foundation - Georgia (GA)
Kansas Volunteer Commission - Kansas (KS)
Kentucky Campus Compact - Kentucky (KY)
Kids First Awareness Community Learning Center - Alabama (AL)
Ladies of Purpose Social Group Inc. - North Carolina (NC)
LEAD California - California (CA)
LEAP Arlington - Massachusetts (MA)
LearnServe International - District of Columbia (DC)
Learn and Serve Tampa - Florida (FL)
Lindy Center for Civic Engagement, Drexel University - Pennsylvania (PA)
Loretto at the UN - New York (NY)
Loyola University Maryland Center for Community, Service, and Justice (CCSJ) - Maryland (MD)
LSU AgCenter 4-H Youth Development - Louisiana (LA)
Maine Campus Compact - Maine (ME)
Magnified Giving - Ohio (OH)
Making Dreams Come True, Valley of Rainbows - Hawaii (HI)
Massachusetts Service Alliance - Massachusetts (MA)
Miami Dade College - Florida (FL)
Michigan Community Service Commission - Michigan (MI)
Missouri Community Service Commission - Missouri (MO)
Montana Education Partnership - Montana (MT)
My New Journeys - Pennsylvania (PA)
Netter Center for Community Partnerships - Pennsylvania (PA)
No Struggle No Success, Inc. - Maryland (MD)
Norte Vista High School - California (CA)
North Carolina Campus Engagement - North Carolina (NC)
North Carolina Service Learning Coalition - North Carolina (NC)
Notre Dame of Maryland University - Maryland (MD)
OccupyFaith - Washington (WA)
Ohio Campus Compact - Ohio (OH)
Oklahoma AmeriCorps - Oklahoma (OK)
Operation Grow Inc. - New Jersey (NJ)
Partners for Campus-Community Engagement - Pennsylvania and New York (PA and NY)
Peacebunny Islands / Peacebunny Foundation - Minnesota (MN)
PennSERVE - Pennsylvania (PA)
Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool Youth Development Network - Pennsylvania (PA)
PHENND - Pennsylvania (PA)
ProAct Indy - Indiana (IN)
Raising A Village Foundation - District of Columbia (DC)
Rider University - New Jersey (NJ)
Rutgers University - Newark - New Jersey (NJ)
Saint Joseph's College of Maine - Maine (ME)
S.C.R.A.P. Gallery - California (CA)
School Improvement Project - Oregon (OR)
Serve Illinois Commission - Illinois (IL)
Serve Indiana Commission - Indiana (IN)
Student Advocacy Coalition - Texas (TX)
Susan Abravanel Consulting LLC - District of Columbia (DC)
The Bridge Foundation - Georgia (GA)
The Changemaker Project -
The Civic Circle - Maryland (MD)
The Giving Square - Maryland (MD)
The Hero Within You Network - Ohio (OH)
The IMatter Experience - Missouri (MO)
The Leaders Readers Network - Texas (TX)
The WordSmith - Maryland (MD)
Transform Mid-Atlantic - Maryland, DC, and Delaware (MD, DC, & DE)
UC Berkeley, Public Service Center - California (CA)
UMBC - Maryland (MD)
United Activities Unlimited, Inc. - New York (NY)
University of Hawaii Office of Civic and Community Engagement - Hawaii (HI)
University of Maryland College Park - Maryland (MD)
University of North Florida Center for Community Based Learning - Florida (FL)
UServeUtah - Utah (UT)
Volunteer Center of Racine County, Inc. - Wisconsin (WI)
Volunteer Center of Story County - Iowa (IA)
Volunteer Tennessee - Tennessee (TN)
Wagner College - New York (NY)
Washington Campus Coalition for the Public Good - Washington (WA)
West Michigan Consulting Services - Michigan (MI)
Wicomico County Public Schools MD - Maryland (MD)
YMCA Center for Youth Voice - Minnesota (MN)
Youthprise - Minnesota (MN) - Maine (ME)