The Coalition’s Proposed Strategies
A coalition of education and youth development advocates is organizing an effort to support the implementation of specific recommendations for service-learning in the Commission Report.
Proposed Coalition strategies include:
Work with Appropriations subcommittees in the House and Senate to secure FY21 or FY22 funding for service-learning, as currently authorized by the bipartisan Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act.
Work with current Members of Congress to introduce or co-sponsor new authorizing legislation from the Report to establish the Service-Learning Fund
Reach out to the presidential and congressional campaigns to seek focused speeches and policy proposals supporting the Commission’s recommendations
Work with the new Congress and Administration in January 2021 to introduce and pass both the authorization and appropriations for the Service-Learning Fund in the first 100 days, with amendments that include after-school programming and significantly increased formula funds for state and local education agencies.

You can participate in the Coalition in many ways, including:
Endorse the Service-Learning Fund proposal and sign on to statements or letters of support from this Coalition
Commit staff time of your government relations team
Participate in monthly Coalition strategy calls
Conduct targeted outreach to members/chapters/affiliates located in select congressional districts
Reach out to Congressional representatives and/or congressional campaigns and their staff about the legislation
Share opportunities for grassroots advocacy through your website, e-mails, social media, etc.